Friday, June 13, 2014

Experiencing Germany

Taking a bus with Vicki on my first day!

Hello from Germany! As many of you know I've been enjoying this part of Europe for just over a week with an exchange program. For most of my time here I've been with one of my exchange partners, Vicki, as well as the other American and German students in the program touring different aspects of the city of Braunschweig as well as those surrounding it. It's been an absolute blast! The people I get to spend time with are so much fun, and the family I'm currently staying with is one of the sweetest around. I know I still have 2 weeks to be here, but I wanted to share with you, my awesome readers :-), some of the exhilarating, strange, and beautiful memories I've made thus far.
Ice tea and German chocolate. The good stuff. 

Saw these incredibly talented and creative jugglers last weekend at the Medieval Market in the square.

More from the Medieval Market


Ahh. The ice cream here is sooo good that I hardly want anything else.

Yep..more ice cream.

The view from the top of a small mountain we hiked.
Aww :-) The girly, romantic side of me found these engraved forever locks at the ruins of Henry the Lion's castle super cute.

Carving of some duke of something or other..can't remember. Also, he is our new friend. 

Drove and hiked a bit to this breathe-taking spot on the Oker river.

Hiking with the family.

About to do some pottery! It was pretty difficult due to the fact that our instructor spoke a different language than I, but he had a great sense of humor and we made it work.

Celine (my second exchange buddy) and I at the high ropes course. We switched our name tags to mess with the guys running the ropes. Always making trouble. :-)

In front of the ropes course. It was 12 meters tall! Really loved the risk factor.

Getting a tour of the city. This place is filled with such exquisitely designed buildings.

Yes, I like the healthy food too...ish.

Yummy produce at the market!

The details on these buildings completely blow me away.

Turning up with Em, there is a conga line outside the mall here 24/7. How handy! haha 

Even the mall in Braunschweig has History. I was told that you can climb up to the roof where the 4 horse statues ride to take pictures and such, hopefully this photo will be in my next post!

Soccer in the park with Americans and Germans.

Beautiful church under a beautiful sky.

I just love the individuality of each building here.

Visited the Autostadt yesterday! It is the factory and  sales place of Voltswagen automobiles.
My personal favorite, the Porsche convertible. Even got to check out the interior, and as much as I love my grand am, this thing is totally sick. Someone get me one! 
Just the trifecta chillin' in a Porsche.

Some more of the Autostadt buildings.
Never thought to mount a Lamborghini on the wall before...

Sometimes ya just gotta take an "ugly face" picture.
More Autostadt.

An old motorcycle from the 70's. If I were to ride one it would probably look something like this, not too biker chick, and a little bit more vintage dork.

How trendy is this mint, vintage Voltswagen?

I've always wanted a hippy van...

Oh my gosh I'm in Germany and I'm having a blast! 
Well there you have it! The main gist of my trip so far.
This weekend my host family and I are taking a little road trip up to north Germany and the Baltic Sea, then I will spend a few days in Berlin with the other American students, and on to my final destination, Celine's home with her family. I'll try to post again while I am here and keep you up on my adventures. Thanks for reading! Over and out. 

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