Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When Your Sister is Your Best Friend...

Today I'm waking up so grateful for all the incredible people in my life. I have a best friend of 8 years, another bestie who somehow knows everything about me before I do, and a sister that I couldn't shake if I tried, and wouldn't want to. There are two reasons for this: 1. she's undoubtedly my number one, right hand woman who I can tell anything to and do anything with, and 2. she is literally sleeping on my leg right now. I can't feel my leg...
Anyways because my sister is my top girl things are a little bit different between us. When your best friend is your sister things rise to another level of weird, fun, deep, exciting, and lifelong. 
(I know. What is this? Mariah is being all warm and sentimental. :-o)
So because I am so inspired today, and since I'm currently pinned here unable to move I thought I'd share a little about what it's like when your sister is your best friend...

1. Truth or Dare becomes Dare or Dare because you already know everything about each other. Literally everything. We grew up together, we've experienced the same stuff as the other one or at least witnessed it happen to them, and we've been playing truth or dare together for way too long. There's just no more truth to be told. 

2. You know exactly what makes them tick and how to manipulate their feelings for whatever you want. A little bit shameful but this is entirely true. I know that if I wake Sarah up before 9:30 most days she's going to be a grump for hours, and I also know that the only way to actually get her to do that is by taking all of the blankets out of the room. She'll have to go to the couch to find them and wont be able to get back to sleep. However it goes both ways. Sarah knows what clothes she can steal from me and what she better not touch ever. She knows that if she brings up "that one time" she can probably get me to buy her ice cream, and never to talk about how I sometimes snore sometimes...but it's really cute okay...gosh. 

3. You make deals. Deals about who gets the rest of that chocolate chocolate chunk ice cream, deals about who has to get out of bed to plug in the dying laptop computer, deals about what happened, and what you're going to tell your mom happened. 

4. You can have entire conversations with facial expressions. The other day Sarah asked me a question, I gave her a look, asked if she needed anymore explanation and she goes "Nope. I got it." Another time she texts me like "Guess who just texted me" I didn't know so I answered "Send me a picture of your face when you saw who it was." She did, and I instantly knew what was going on. 

5. You're always saying "remember when.." about some horrifying or hilarious childhood memory. People think this one's pretty sweet like "remember when we used to make cookies together every week?" But usually it's more like "remember when you would never shut up when I was trying to sleep?" and "yeah, but remember when you used to throw everything you cold reach at me to try and get me to shut up?" "Remember when you broke your arm falling out of bed because you were pretending to be a baby?" "Yeah, well remember when you slipped on ice, sprained your ankle, and had to call from three houses down the street?" 

6. You have each other's backs. Nobody messes with my sister. 

7. You help out with boy probs. No boy messes with my sister. 

8. You give your opinion even when your sister didn't ask for it, isn't interested in it, and doesn't want to hear it. Sometimes you can't see what you're doing wrong when it's completely obvious to everyone around you, especially your best friend. As that best friend it's your job to tell the other person. As the other person, you'll listen, think it's ridiculous, but eventually realize she's right. 

9. You have "phone dates" when you're too busy to actually hang out. Life is crazy and it's hard to actually get time with people, but where there's a will there's a way. Also, it just feels weird when you haven't talked to your sister/best friend. 

10. You do some pretty stupid things together knowing it's going to be a pain to clean up, but that someday you'll say "remember when..." and laugh till you cry about it. 

11. You trust one another with your lives. Nobody knows me better, and I don't know anyone else better. 

12. You randomly break out in the same song at the same moment. I'm not sure if this one actually happens to other people ever, but for some reason it happens to us a lot. Just yesterday I said something about all the leaves falling off the trees and crunching on them as we walk, and we both immediately sing "Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place." (From the Taylor Swift song All Too Well.)  

13. Everyone thinks you are the same person. You are who you hang out with, and with all the time you two have spent together, you pretty much are one.

14. All your friends know your sister (and think she's awesome.) Even though my sister is a few years younger than I am all my friends know her. She's with me most of the time so they've hung out with her and because she's so much like me, think she's awesome ;-) 

15. Aaaaaand no matter what your sister is stuck with you forEVER because you know every terrible and embarassing thing about one another, and because (duh) she's your sister. 

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