Sunday, October 5, 2014

Writing Writing Writing...

Taking a break from writing to take a selfie...
because prioritiesszazazaza
Sorry I've been quite distracted from the blog recently. I'm currently working on a pretty big writing project which consumes all of my extra time, influence, and inspiration, the same ingredients I once dedicated toward this page.
This pretty-big project I like to call a novel but my wonderfully grounding brother keeps reminding me it's not a novel until it's proven to be a novelty, so for now it's a book. I'm writing a book. I have no idea what's going to end up happening with it, but the thought of it, and the mission of it is something that hijacked my brain waves this summer and has been driving them ever since.
Everyone keeps asking me what my book is about, and honestly I want to make you all wait and read for yourselves what I've been putting together these past months, so no spoilers! But I will tell you the reason that I feel this is an incredibly important project, the things that really makes me passionate about it becoming a reality.
There are two large genres of books I've seen taking over the young adult market in the past few years. These would be the more futuristic, science fiction type stories (The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner etc.) and the super mushy, believe in love again books (The Fault in our Stars, If I stay etc.) I enjoy both of these growing genres very much, but as I was reading them I found something very important was missing, especially in the mushy, lovey, day dreamy ones. They all seam to say that love never fails. Love is all you need. But it's not. (Sorry to be the realist here.) Maybe this could be part of the reason that young people today seek love above anything else and when it does fail them they keep lowering their expectations and exploring new ways to try and make love work for them. People, not just kids, try to fill their lives with the love of another person. 
That being said the thing that I want to communicate through this story is that human love does fail. Even when you think it can satisfy all you need, it never can. You most likely will get your heart broken and you will be changed by it, but it's not the end of the world. This is something I've had to learn the hard way surrounded by happy endings and unrealistic expectations, something I don't want young girls, or anyone, to have to experience. They should know that this is normal. They aren't failures, they're just participants in life. I just want girls and young women to know that as hard as it is to see past the loss that they might be feeling, there are better things to come. You may never be the same again, but you will be whole.
I said no spoilers, but I want to give you a non-spoiling sneak peak. The next post will be a blip of the story I'm writing. I hope you take the time to dive into my dream, and explore what God could be doing with it in your own lives. Also, I just want to hear your feedback and how this story could effect the way you do or would have viewed things had you read this sometime in your past. 
Talk to you soon!
Muah :-*

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