While I was trying to think of an appropriate name for this blog I thought about a lot of things. I wanted the title to be simple, easy to remember, and accurately represent what this page will consist of. "The Proof" is referring to the proof of God's love. Mainly what I'll be posting about on this page is my own life experiences whether it be through poem, story, or devotional type writing. Basically this page, although they will not all be "super spiritual", will be full of my testimonies, which are proof of who God is. Nobody can deny what God has done in my life because I was there, I know where I was before and where I now am with the grace of God. One of my favorite Britt Nicole songs has a line in the bridge that always pops out to me, it says "I hear these people asking me: how do I know what I believe. Well I'm not the same me, and that's all the proof I need."
I'll write about the deep stuff like what I've been convicted of lately and the miracles I see all around me, but I'll also write about the everyday stuff like living on my own for the first time or the battle I'm currently fighting with trying to learn how to cook.
I hope that my posts will not only show who God is, but also give you a smile and encouragement in your everyday lifestyle choices. A christian lifestyle isn't all prayer meetings and serving the poor, it's the simple everyday things as well. It's not easy to live according to the morals God has given us as a standard in the ten commandments, in fact I find it impossible without supernatural help. So lets do this together! We will overcome our struggles by the blood of Jesus and the word of testimonies.
Once again I'm super-de-duper excited to kick this off, and I hope you will journey with me post by post through this crazy, amazing adventure called life.
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